Fan’s clothes

Fan’s clothes

Includes a variety of kits and clothes of foreign and national teams such as:
• Kit of famous national and European football teams
• Middle East national team kits
• NBA Basketball Team Kit
The different types of sportswear in design, color and model can fulfil the different tastes of people. This diversity has increased the export of our company. Our designers also use modern designs and customer’s desired designs for products.


Plastic with flexible, sewing, and printability is the best material for various packages. The categories can be zipper, sticky, hooked, and buttoned and based on customer’s request in clear, opaque color and back shell. This company uses adhesive plastic for wholesale products. This type of plastic can be used quickly and easily due to the presence of adhesive on this edge. Finally, it is necessary to mention that sportswear is packaged in cartons of different sizes. At the end, the sports clothes are placed in cartons of different sizes and sent to the customers.